Travel and Tourism

  • Mardi Himal Trekking

    MARDI HIMAL TREKKING Mardi Himal trekking is newly opened trekking trails in Nepal. Its belongs Annapurna trekking region from the trekking you will see…

  • Annapurna Region Trekking

    ANNAPURNA TREKKING REGION Nepal is home of some most spectacular treks in the world. Ranging from classics like Everest base camp, Annapurna Circuit and…

  • Everest Region Trek in Nepal

    Everest Region of Nepal It’s doesn’t matter if you say Mount Everest, sagarmatha, chomolongma (mother goddess of the world) it is the ultimate aim…

  • Trip to Lake Rara.

      Day 2 of my trip to Lake Rara Rara is regarded as the (स्वर्गकि अप्सरा Rara/ nymph of…

  • wonderful journey to RaRa lake

    My wonderful  journey to rara lake direct from Kathmandu  (day one ) It was a great morning that we started the journey from Kathmandu for the beautiful lake rara.…

  • Restricted region trek the most demanding and remote area trekking in Nepal

    Upper Mustang Trekking Mustang trek is one of Nepal's most mysterious and least known kingdoms. The landscape of Mustang is a barren moonscape of eroded…

  • Everest Base Camp Trek - absolutely perfect trekking course

    Everest base camp trekking is without doubt one of the most renowned travel destination in the world. For adventure travellers an exciting opportunity to…

  • Ghale Gaun– Home stay in Nepal

    Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, Ghale gaun offers you a typical Nepali village experience at 2070M Above sea level in Lamjung; it is…

  • Trekking in Nepal - "life is a daring adventure or nothing" –Helen Keller

    Life can be harsh by routine and schedule. the monotony of life scientifically inactivates many refreshing cells and hormones that rejuvenate us. the enthusiasm level…

  • Nepal truly is Natural and Cultural.

    Nepal truly is Natural and Cultural. Nepal offers all. If I have to choose any place in the world to spend my holiday then I…

  • Bike Ride to Muktinath Temple of Annapurna Region

     What a lovely morning!!! I couldn’t sleep the whole night in the anticipation of this morning as six of us were about to go for…

  • The Fact about Annapurna Himalaya

    Fact about Annapurna: Annapurna (8091 meters high; 26545 feet) is situate on the  North-central Nepal. Annapurna, the 10th arch mountain in the universe,Annapurna first successful…

  • British climbers first foreigners to scale mt Everest in two years

    Renowned British climber Kenton Cool,along with fellow mountaineer Lucas and two sherpa guides,successfully reached the top of mt Everest,becoming the first foreigners to climb in…

  • Annapurna Trekking

    ANNAPURNA BASE CAMP TREK : we would like to start from Annapurna mountain . Annapurna mounts (8091m) is the 10th highest mountain in the world…

  • Nepal Trekking

    尼泊爾健行初體驗..感謝有你們.. 旅行分很多種吧,跟團旅行,或自住旅行..到先進國家旅行到尚未開發國家去享受大自然..以前聽過看極光坐破冰船.或到非洲去看動物大遷移..在些行程之外,我都沒想過,去高山健行這樣主題的玩法,對健行的印象就是短暫旅英期間,到國家公園一個下午的健行或在西班牙的山區午後閒適時間.隨意走走。後來,發現尼泊爾政府嚴格區分登山和健行,征服雪線超過海拔六千公尺以上的高山稱為登山,在以下高度的群山步行,稱為健行。 正因為我的想當然爾,開啟了的安納普納露營基地的健行之旅,許多人已針對他的行程規劃作了許多詳盡的介紹,在此我想著著重,如何在自己體力許可之外在嚮導的貼心規劃之下,儘量降低旅程中的不舒適……愉快地完成一趟期待很久的國外登山之行.. 由波卡拉坐小飛機到登山口,這中間若走路要二三小時的行程,在領隊貼心的安排之下,我們由大車到換到小車,這一部崎嶇的碎石路一路顛坡,很像台灣三四十年前沒有舖柏油的路,午後的山區很靜除了一兩個行人外,連我都懷疑山是不是也在午睡,換好了入山證開始我們的健行之路。出發前,雖然已經作了功課,每周去健身房練四次的肌力,但第一天的健,.只是小菜而已,午後的陽光親吻下,我早就呼呼大睡了,中午Tea House 老闆娘,作了我覺是給三個人吃的炒飯和炒面,我看了,只想覺得好大份哦..!全然無胃口。室友很擔心地跟我說你吃太少,再來的行程會吃不消,多少要吃一點,其實我偷偷地拿出台灣的餅干吃了兩片,也許我的胃也需要時間來適應當地的料理,或者因為太累了而吃不下飯。有隊友善意地提醒我,今晚,我們和另一隊會合之後,就會有廚隊,料理就會比較像台灣食物。其實,我並不在乎是不是台灣食物,出門在外方便就好,但無奈太累了我就是吃不下哩……而且廚隊到底是什麼東西? 廚隊.. 之前去的國家,算算就只有巴哈馬(BAHAMAS)、斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka) 、或印度原始程度可和尼泊爾相比擬,但個人覺得尼泊爾的原始,因為其地理多山再加上基礎建設不足,第一次在山上看到騾隊一隻隻騾子兩側掛著瓦斯筒,他們瓦斯筒規格短短胖胖跟西班牙的規格很像,很適合在高山運給,若像台灣的大小.可能就不太好在山區補給了。但這跟廚隊有什麼關係? 當然,有關係!廚師不是只要會煮飯就好,是沒錯!但我們的大廚跟螺子一樣還要會翻山越嶺,領著10幾個人,有的人用竹簍子背菜,有些人管餐具有人負責茶,在低海拔的山區還可以補給,愈高的地方就愈難取得物資了,他們人力的補給的重要性由此可見一般了。因為有他們的人力補給,若我們的高山生活多一絲一豪的便利,皆因他們辛苦的付出,他們的樂天知命,每一個步划間都帶著微笑向前行。 每天早上六點鐘,有比雞叫還準時的阿弟們,在門外叫: GOOD MORNING TEA,MADAM!我覺這招很管用,生活在亞熱帶的我們,真的很難抵擋這樣的酷寒,每次一聽到早茶的呼叫聲時,我都躲在睡袋蠕動幾秒鐘,才開門拿茶,看到他們口中還哈著熱氣招呼著我們,我的起床氣莫名地就沒了,想到他們得比我們早起準備,碎一口茶,算是完成了起床的儀式。 熱水筒 起床後,在攝氏零下的溫度,刷牙是人性的一大挑戰,刷得牙齿打顫,一抬頭猛然看到台灣郵筒紅綠色兩個小筒子,裏面裝滿了廚隊貼心為我們燒的熱水,刷牙也要搶時間,在高山熱水冷很快,但這趟行程那兩個紅和綠的小筒成為我們起床的第一個期待見到的好朋友。 TEA TIME 有了廚隊之後,最大的幸福是餐前有熱湯,飯後有tea time,MASALA TEA, LEMON TEA, APPLE…

  • Everest Mini Trek

    Everest Mini Trek is relatively easy but it offers glimpses of Sherpa culture, tradition and their lifestyle along with great mountain views of the world…

  • Trek to Khumbu Area

    The Everest region is located in the eastern half of Nepal in Solukhumbu district, which offers a wide range of trekking experiences, from the well-developed…

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